Persuasive Writing - Convince The Reader

Persuasive writing is a sub-category of prompts that involves using language to convince the reader to agree with the writer’s point of view or take a specific action. These prompts are designed to elicit responses that present a compelling argument or case for a particular stance or movement.

Example Prompts
Argumentative prompts
Prompts designed to prompt writers to take a stance on an issue and argue for their position
Write an essay arguing for or against the death penalty.
Persuade your audience to support a particular political candidate.
Opinion prompts
Prompts designed to prompt writers to express their opinions on a particular topic
Write an editorial about a current event.
Express your opinion on a controversial topic such as gun control or immigration.
Editorial prompts
Prompts designed to prompt writers to write persuasive articles on current issues
Write an op-ed piece on a local issue that affects your community.
Write an editorial about the importance of voting in elections.
Speech prompts
Prompts designed to prompt writers to write persuasive speeches
Write a speech advocating for better mental health resources for students.
Write a speech encouraging people to take action on climate change.
Advertising prompts
Prompts designed to prompt writers to create persuasive advertising copy
Write a sales pitch for a new product.
Create a print ad for a social cause you believe in.
Product review prompts
Prompts designed to prompt writers to write persuasive product reviews
Write a review of a new book that just came out.
Write a review of a new restaurant in town.
Political analysis prompts
Prompts designed to prompt writers to analyze political issues and events
Analyze the impact of gerrymandering on elections.
Analyze the history and current state of a political conflict such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Persuasive Writing Prompts