Expository Writing - Writing To Inform

Expository writing is a type of writing whose purpose is to inform, explain, describe, or define the author’s subject to the reader. It presents information clearly and concisely, focusing on delivering facts, providing explanations, and offering analysis.

Example Prompts
How-to prompts
Prompts designed to explain a process or teach a skill
Write a step-by-step guide to making your favorite dish.
Explain how to change a tire on a car.
Definition prompts
Prompts designed to explore the meaning and characteristics of a term or concept
Define the term “happiness” and explain what it means to you.
Explain the difference between empathy and sympathy.
Cause-and-effect prompts
Prompts designed to explore the relationship between events or actions and their consequences
Explain the causes and effects of climate change.
Explain the causes and effects of the American Civil War.
Compare-and-contrast prompts
Prompts designed to explore similarities and differences between two or more things
Compare and contrast the American and French Revolutions.
Compare and contrast two different types of music.
Problem-solution prompts
Prompts designed to explore a problem and propose a solution
Identify a problem in your community and propose a solution.
Explain how to solve a common problem people face at work.
Descriptive prompts
Prompts designed to help writers describe people, places, or things in detail
Describe your favorite place in nature.
Describe a character’s appearance in a novel.
Historical analysis prompts
Prompts designed to analyze and interpret historical events
Analyze the causes and effects of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.
Analyze the impact of World War II on the global economy.
Scientific analysis prompts
Prompts designed to analyze and interpret scientific concepts
Explain the principles of evolution and natural selection.
Analyze the structure and function of the human brain.